Monthly Newsletter- July 2014

Monthly Newsletter- July 2014

Healthcare Project in Korail Slum

Good Heal Trust is pleased to have completed another month of services and is proud to be back in action after the Eid Holidays. This month, the program coordinator for the Outreach Program at Korail, Noor-E-Mahboba left for abroad. Her position was replaced by Liimon John, another member who has been a part of the team from the onset. It may take some time for Mr. Limon to get into the shoes that Ms. Noor left behind and get a good grasp of the work left behind. The trust is working to ensure the same level of care and dedication is provided to the patients as the previous months. We are confident that Mr. Limon will also do a great job and bring about new accomplishments for the team.

This month service was given to a total of 309 patients, including regular clinic patients, advanced consultancy services, follow-ups, referral cases and GHT Health camp patients. Nurses provided Over the Counter (OTC) medicine and advice was given to 265 patients. GHT’s Telemedicine Services, consultancy through Skype was provided to 6 patients. The three doctors who provided their services through Skype were Dr. Aynul Kabir (from the Medicine Department)- 2 patients, Dr. Apurbo Kumer Saha (from the Medicine Department)- 3 patients and Dr. Farhana Khatun (from the Gynecology Department)- 1 patient.

The team arranged referrals for 13 patients to visit different hospitals such as BSMMU, Sorwardi Hospital, Dhaka Medical College Hospital (BMCH), Gulshan Seba House, Islamiya Eye Hospital, Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired Children (SAHIC), BRAC and the GHT Camp. The team arranged for its clinical team to give follow up care to 24 patients. As most patients do not come back or look into their health care properly, follow ups are essential and a crucial part of making sure patients are doing the necessary to maintain their health.

Similar to previous sessions, Good Heal Trust presented health awareness sessions twice a week on general health advice to patients of the Korail Slum. Advice pertaining to personal hygiene, family planning, common diseases amongst women, common diseases present in households and many other issues were discussed. Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) were held with 540 people within the slum.

There was only one health camp held this month, on 13th July, 2014. 28 patients were given health services. 26 of them registered as GHT’s newly registered patients and 2 of them were previous patients. The doctor who provided service at this camp was Dr. Apurba Kumar Saha [Medical Officer, MBBS, PGT (Medicine), CCD (BIRDEM)].


In addition to the above, similar to previous cases, special healthcare screening was given for the following: Breast -oral -cervical cancer screening, blood sugar monitoring, health education and diet counseling, pregnancy tests were given for both adults and adolescents and special heath education sessions were held at the slum clinics.

We hope the upcoming months will bring about greater achievements for the team in both quality and quantity. The team continues to work hard to attain its goal of serving those who need it the most.


Nurses’ Skill Enhancement Program

After completing its first ever Nurses’ Seminar, the team is back to offering NSEP sessions at National Heart Foundation and Birdem. Eid Holidays took place from 28-July-2014 to 02-Aug-2014.


Nursing Classes: Nursing sessions continue to be the core of the program and are conducted twice a week.

The topics covered at Birdem this month include:

a)      Psoriasis- Scabies, Acne Vulgaris, frostbites and Kaposi Sarcoma.

b)     Anatomy- physiology of the female reproductive system.

c)      Child birth: Normal labor and LSCS.

d)     Fertilization- menstruations and infertility

e)      Abortions- types of abortions and its management

f)       Cervix cancer- the definition, stages, clinical manifestation and radiation, chemotherapy and surgical management.


Activities to note:

– Pre-and post assessment slip test/quizzes were conducted during the classes.

– Practice nursing test was conducted on the Endocrine System on 20-July-2014.

– Role Play session on good communication between the nurse and patient was held during one of the English classes to help improve nurses’ communication.


The topics covered at NHF this month include:

a)      Hemodynamic monitoring and percutaneous coronary interventions

b)      Pace makers- types and nursing interventions.

c)      Cardiac Tamponade and cardiomyopathies- definition, etiology, clinical manifestation, medical, surgical and nursing management.

d)      Hypertension: definition, types, causes, clinical manifestation, medical and nursing management

e)      Diabetic mellitus- Anatomy physiology of pancreas, D.M and its management

f)       Insulin: production, complications of insulin therapy, insulin administration, clinical instructions. Glucagon.


Activities to note:

-Pre-and post assessment slip test/quizes were conducted during the classes.

– Practice nursing test conducted on Angina Pectoris Myocardial Infarction and Congestive Heart Failure on 17-July-2014.

– Role Play session on good communication between the nurse and patient was held during one of the English classes to help improve nurses’ communication.

English Classes: The English sessions keep group works and student centered learning as a top priority. The nurses are encouraged to speak and overcome their weaknesses in spoken English through group presentations. Pair/group works are done in each class based on the topic being taught. Nurses are given 2-3 English classes per month.

The topics covered in English Classes at Birdem and NHF this month include:

a)      Topic Sentences and the usage of connectives/conjunctions- nurses were taught what topic sentences are and their importance while writing. They were also taught the usage of connectives.

b)      Writing a Persuasive Essay- nurses were taught the basics on how to write persuasive essays. They analyzed sample writings and wrote briefly on a topic provided.

c)      Bangladeshi weddings & the usage of prepositions. Nurses studied different vocabulary related to weddings and spoke about their dream weddings. They also learnt the usage of prepositions.

Computer Classes: NSEP faculty continues to conduct both theoretical and practical computer sessions for the nurses at the hospitals’ computer lab. This month, the nurses were given assignments from their Nursing class which they did during the computer practical sessions.

Grooming Classes: Grooming is one of the main aspects covered within the NSEP sessions. Nurses are given at-least one grooming session per month.

The topics covered for grooming at Birdem and NHF this month include:

a)      Bathroom etiquettes, dining room manners and importance of hand washing- nurses went over slides and discussed the importance of each the above etiquettes. They were also shown a practical on how to wash hands efficiently as nurses.

*GoodHealTrust would like to request special prayers for its Executive Director, Mr. Tanvir Raquib who recently had a heart attack. He has been admitted to United Hospital and is slowly but steadily recovering. We request all of our readers to remember him in your prayers and request others to do the same. Prayers that he can get back to work with good health, faith and even greater enthusiasm. Thank you all for your continuous support.

If interested in working with us or if you simply want to find out more information about what we endeavor to bring to the over-all healthcare system, current/future projects and much more, please visit us at:

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